Satoshi Nakamoto Foundation
Decentralization Beyond The Digital Currency

The Satoshi Nakamoto Foundation

Leveraging decentralization through technology for the betterment of society.


Started by the Cypherpunk movement and brought to life by Satoshi Nakamoto, the global social contract build upon cryptography and decentralization is now a reality in the form of Bitcoin. But what if this could merely be the first step in our global journey towards the decentralization of powers that should be in the hands of a privacy cherishing society? The Satoshi Foundation is created in order to take on the endeavor. The time has come for our society to decide how much freedom it wants.

The Satoshi Foundation is dedicated to harnessing and leveraging the power of Satoshi's Bitcoins to achieve the implementation and adoption of decentralization beyond the revolutionizing transaction system in all areas at which decentralization would make sense and contribute to addressing pressing challenges and advance society’s global common goals.

The fundament of the Satoshi Foundation is to be comprised of Satoshi’s still present material legacy, Satoshi’s Bitcoins. These represent the embodiment of Satoshi’s ideology and have reached a critical state of maturity thanks to Bitcoin’s success. They can therefore now serve as Satoshi Foundation’s vehicle to accelerate the mainstream adoption rate of the transaction system itself, but also as a means to extrapolate the ideology to adjacent areas like decentralized voting, identification systems, and many other social applications that would benefit from this form of decentralization. When we state Satoshi’s Bitcoins being the fundament of the Foundation we refer to the combination of their actual monetary value together with the ideology they represent. These two ingredients stand for a significant power of influence on an international scale granting the Satoshi Foundation the immense opportunity to leverage it towards further expansion of global decentralization within those areas which most need it for the benefit of society.

The practical and most challenging side of achieving this endeavor would be the actual allocation of the Satoshi Bitcoins towards the Satoshi Foundation. It is certain that currently it still is technically impossible to move any Bitcoins out of the alleged Satoshi wallets. However, it is unknown when evolving technologies like quantum computing and artificial intelligence will become a factor in this area. Next to this we have the fact that those institutions that were meant to be bypassed with the Bitcoin solution are now clearly making efforts in implementing methods of control. The creation of Bitcoin ETFs is an example. Despite of producing a new breed of participants which on one side contributes to the adoption of Bitcoin, the narrative of self-custody and direct participation in the Bitcoin network is in contrast with the passive, intermediary-reliant nature of ETF investments. The Satoshi Foundation should serve as a preventive measure in regards to these evolving technologies and as a counterweight to these institutionalized endeavors, safeguarding the progress of the original Bitcoin narrative.

Allocation of the Satoshi Bitcoins towards the Satoshi Foundation could be achieved, not necessarily through the actual movement of the Bitcoins out of their current wallets, but by achieving general consensus on the fact that these assets belong to the Satoshi Foundation with the sole purpose of building out Satoshi’s ideology. It would be very desirable that the base of this consensus would be comprised of the endorsement and if possible the involvement of early Bitcoin contributors as well as current prominent contributors. This would cement the foundation’s right of existence as it needs to be a continuation of the original ideology and input. Consequently the Satoshi Foundation would be able to obtain a position in which it can work on progressively devaluing the relevance and necessity of traditional, trust-requiring entities. This will be achieved through the initiation of new projects and the support towards current projects, and last but not least by actively engaging international media outlets addressing all relevant topics and developments in order to underpin the existential legacy of Bitcoin.

More information coming soon on how to take part in this new Satoshi movement!